Middle School Girls' Basketball Update!
Boys' Basketball Update!
Apparel order is due at noon today (1/21/25). Shullsburg Strong Night is brought to you by the FFA and will be held on February 4th and ALL Proceeds from the sales of the apparel will be to support Kate Masbruch in her fight against cancer. The FFA is also accepting any monetary donations. Apparel link: https://bsflcustomapparel.com/product-category/shullsburg-strong-night/
All classes and all school activities are cancelled for the Shullsburg School District for Tuesday, January 21, 2025 due to inclement weather. Miner Childcare will be open and childcare parents will be notified of times of operation.
Girls' Basketball tonight is Parents' Night!
Shullsburg Athletic Boosters raffle is coming up. Get your tickets!
Today, 1/19/25, is the last day to order online. Be sure to turn in paper order forms with money tomorrow. Here is the online link: https://www.pizzakit.com/fundraising-products?shop=1&t=lc&sf=1
Miner Reminder
First-grade students had a fantastic time engaging in S.T.E.M. activities in the gym!
The Apple River State Bank mascot debit card enables customers to support the School District of Shullsburg every time they use their card. Call your local Apple River State Bank office today to order your Miner Mascot Debit Card. Let’s work together and support our school!
Boys' Basketball game in Belmont tonight!
Mrs. Van Gilder's 8th grade science class had an exciting day testing their cars! After diving into the concepts of forces and motion, the students put their knowledge to the test by designing cars that could protect an egg from breaking.
It's time for high school students to start thinking about their classes for the next academic year. This is an exciting opportunity to explore new subjects, deepen knowledge in areas of interest, and prepare for future goals. Here is a link to the Course Description Handbook 2025-2026: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eV7HxpgY9nDEZwLVn6G9arHIW9kR7Ys3rec5DBsvJC8/edit?usp=sharing
Check out the January Newsletter: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGbdXI_5p4/Ld_KjF2BqrPcToS1AB7How/view?utm_content=DAGbdXI_5p4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h498963acc7
Boys' Basketball update
As we prioritize the health and well-being of our students, staff, and families, we want to
remind you of an important policy regarding illness and school attendance.
Boys' Basketball at home tonight!
Bake Sale Wednesday!
Miner Reminder
Get your brownie-in-a-cup Monday!